Completion of the Sensory Sales Support Platform (PSWS) project in terms of content and finance
On June 18th, 2021, we received information from the Intermediate Body – the National Center for Research and Development that the PSWS project was considered “completed in terms of content and finance”. The financial settlement of the project took place on June 29th, 2021, which means that from this day we start the three-year period of its durability.
Completion of the 5th stage of the Sensory Sales Support Platform (PSWS) project
On February 29, 2020, we completed the 5th stage of the PSWS project, the main result of which were the verified algorithms:
1) Basic and advanced descriptive characteristics of a person.
2) Customer behavior, including crowd identification and interest in a given product.
Analytical functions were verified:
1) Numerical statements of customers visiting the store with a classification based on basic descriptive characteristics.
2) Analysis of customers’ emotions in different sections of the store. Customer satisfaction assessment.
3) Customer behavior analysis.
The software package and documentation are a product that can be implemented directly at buyers. Thus, we completed the research and development work on the project.
Completion of the fourth stage of the Sensory Sales Support Platform (PSWS) project
On September 30, 2019, we completed the 4th Stage of the PSWS project, the main result of which was the PSWS software in the field of analytical functions, consisting of the following components: business logic, web application and network services. The prototype model of the entire solution was tested in laboratory conditions and it was confirmed that it was ready to start testing in real conditions planned for the development phase.
Currently, we have started the implementation of the 5th Stage, during which the manufactured prototype will be verified in a real environment – all prototypes of the modules will be tested in real conditions as a coherent whole.
Completion of the third stage of the Sensory Sales Support Platform (PSWS) project
On May 31, 2019, we completed the third stage of the PSWS project, the main result of which was the neural models responsible for behavior analysis and crowd detection. According to the plan, the solution has been tested in laboratory conditions based on an industrial camera and works in real time. All design assumptions have been achieved.
Currently, we have started the implementation of Stage IV, under which the analytical database, reporting mechanism and PSWS software will be delivered in the field of analytical functions, and the existing solutions are subject to qualitative evaluation. The prototype model of the entire solution will be tested in laboratory conditions and prepared for testing in real conditions planned for the next stage of the project.
Completion of the second stage of the Sensory Sales Support Platform (PSWS) project
On December 31, 2018. we completed the 2nd Stage of the PSWS project, the main result of which are neural models responsible for advanced features, for which at PSWS we consider emotions and clothing style. As scheduled, the solution was tested in laboratory conditions on an industrial camera and works in real time. All accepted requirements were met, some were exceeded. Currently, we have started the implementation of Stage III, within which system components responsible for the analysis of behavior and crowd detection will be created.
Completion of the first stage of the Sensory Sales Support Platform (PSWS) project
On July 31, 2018, we completed Stage I of the PSWS project, the main result of which are neural models responsible for basic features, which in PSWS include age, gender and Body Mass Index (BMI). At this point in the project, on schedule, the solution has been tested in laboratory conditions on an industrial camera and works in Real Time. All the requirements specified in the application have been met or exceeded, and we are taking care of Stage II and advanced features.