Organization transformation
We support the transformation of the organization at its planning, implementation and stabilization stages. Taking into account changes in the environment, new business models, and digitization, we try to safely and feasibly define the scope of business and IT activities and ensure supervision of its implementation.
As part of supporting the transformation, we use simple yet effective, recognized methodological tools. These include corporate architecture management methods, project portfolio management, programs and projects.
Corporate Architecture
Corporate architecture is a tool that helps the organization achieve the planned target state (TO-BE), e.g. implementation of new services or products, reorganization, merger, implementation of a new business / digital model. Using the architectural approach, we identify the existing state of the organization (AS-IS), carry out GAP analysis, and then, in accordance with the adopted rules, define the necessary changes and then carry them out in a controlled manner.
Corporate architecture is often and unduly perceived as a complex solution, difficult to implement and understand by a single person, or even a group of people. That’s why it’s so important for us that the approach to developing and implementing this architecture is “agile” and adapted to the capabilities of the organization.


Project and program portfolio management
A change in the organization is often associated with the simultaneous implementation of a number of projects. Their rational selection, adjustment to the strategy and mutual correlation require the use of portfolio management mechanisms.
Program management
Program management mechanisms are usually introduced when the strategic goals of the organization are achieved by a set of significantly correlated projects. The program is a kind of protective umbrella for the projects implemented in it, additionally enabling a higher level of management.
Project management
The value that we try to bring in this area is the ability to combine classic and agile approaches and link project management with software development processes.
Project and program portfolio management
A change in the organization is often associated with the simultaneous implementation of a number of projects. Their rational selection, adjustment to the strategy and mutual correlation require the use of portfolio management mechanisms.
Program management
Program management mechanisms are usually introduced when the strategic goals of the organization are achieved by a set of significantly correlated projects. The program is a kind of protective umbrella for the projects implemented in it, additionally enabling a higher level of management.
Project management
The value that we try to bring in this area is the ability to combine classic and agile approaches and link project management with software development processes.

Agile and DevOps
We implement agile software development practices, often strengthening them with good analytical and architectural patterns. We try to ensure that Scrum or other agile approaches do not become only an explanation for clutter and are expressed through positive cultural changes.
We support DevOps teams with expert knowledge in the areas of continuous integration, code building and analysis, management of code and artifact repositories, release and test management, and monitoring.
We often use Atlassian and opensource solutions (eg Ansible, Jenkins, Selenium, Docker, Vagrant).